Friday 29 May 2015


You speak out!

Comment down below what wacky animals you want us to write about next. We will pick 3 animals, the cutest, the weirdest and the one with the best name! We will also give u a shout-out, if u would like one! So go on GET LOOKING

The Mind-blowing Duck-Billed Platypus!


This is the Duck-billed platypus, who lives partly on land and partly in water. Unfortunately, these animals are endangered,l ike most of the animals on our blog, so it would be nice to help them along a bit!

The platypus species is often found in eastern Australia in small rivers, leaving them quite hard to find. The are most excellent swimmers  and dive under water and forage for food for 30sec-1min!

Platypuses can can live in the wild for up to 12 years even-though, their natural predators are:

  • Snakes
  • Water rats 
  • Hawks
  • Owls
  • Eagles
  • Sometimes crocodiles.

Amazingly, the platypus closes it's eyes and ears under water so it uses its sense of electroreception and dig up muddy river beds with their bill, to detect electric fields of prey. The platypus uses pouches in it's cheek to carry prey to the surface where it is eaten. Its diet inclueds;

  • Shrimps
  • Crayfish
  • Insect larvae
  • Worms
Thanks for reading, Niamh xx

The Delightful Dumbo Octopus

The dumbo octopus is named after Walt Disney's famous elephant character because of it's ear- like fins. There are approximately 37 species of octopi that can be found scattered all over the world's oceans.The scientific name for these fascinating creatures is grimpoteuthis (I have no clue how to pronounce that weird name)! As not much is known about the Dumbo octopus, whether it is an endangered species is unknown. They have a soft head shaped body with 8 arms much like other species of octopi. The colour of the body can be green, red or orange. The dumbo octopus'  main predators are sharks and killer whales as they live in great deapths. The average lifespan of a grimpoteuthis  is three to five years unless it gets eaten before that. The dumbo octopus sweallows it's equally weird prey whole- without chewing!

Thanks for reading, Eve xx

Thursday 28 May 2015

The Amazing Blobfish!

The first time you hear the word “blobfish”, you might doubt whether it’s real. After all, who calls a fish a blob? It sounds like a poor joke, right? Then again, the dumbo octopus, the vampire squid, the chicken turtle and the Christmas tree worm are all real, which just goes to show that you shouldn’t judge an animal by its weird name!

Unfortunately, the blobfish is endangered so click this link to help these underwater sea creatures:

Do blobfish bite?

Blobfish have no bones and therefore, no teeth. Even if it could bite, it would turn into a blob before it even had the chance to bite a human, or the human would become a blob before coming near it.

What do blobfish eat?

No one has ever seen a blobfish eat, because they live deep down in the sea. However, scientists believe that it feeds on crabs, sea urchins, sea pens and shellfish. How does a blobfish eat? Since it has no muscles, the blobfish cannot hunt, so it simply opens its mouth and sucks in whatever drifts by. Yes, the blobfish is one lazy animal, but you would be too if you lived in cold, dark and extreme water pressures?

 Can you eat blobfish?

Even though the blobfish are often caught in nets, they never make it to the dinner plate. The moment the blobfish reaches the surface, it turns into a blob and dies, becoming not only bland but completely inedible. Let’s face it. Who would want to eat a blob?

Can you keep a blobfish as a pet?

Keeping a blobfish in a tank might seem like a good way for you to amuse yourself and your friends, but it’s one crazy idea you should forget. No blobfish has ever been caught alive and even if they had been, you would need a tank with extremely high water pressure, to keep it alive. You would have better luck preserving a dead one, immersing it in alcohol (like the one on display at the Australian Museum), that is, if you want to stare at a miserable-looking creature everyday?

             Sorry this post is a bit long, we will try to keep the next one a bit shorter!

                         Thanks for reading, LYL Eve and Niamh

Thanks for reading

Welcome!!! :)


We are just 2 girls who came across some crazy animals while we were on the internet. There were sooooooooooooooo many that we thought we should set up a blog about them to show you guys! Hope you enjoy our blog and notice the cuteness in some!!

      This is the blob fish and yes, he is real we will tell you about him in our next post.